The eleventh session of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage which is currently in progress in Addis Ababa in Ethiopia (28 November-2 December) has inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, traditions from China, Japan and the Republic of Korea, along with other 30 elements from around the world.
联合国教科文组织保护非物质文化遗产政府间委员会第11届常会于 11月28日至12月2日在埃塞俄比亚首都亚的斯亚贝巴召开。经评审委员会评议,政府间委员会审议通过了包括中国、日本以及韩国所申报的传统文化项目,与其他30个新近通过的项目一同列入《人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录》。
The List includes forms of expression that testify the diversity of intangible heritage and raises global awareness about its importance. Including the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding and the Register of Best Safeguarding Practices, there are to date 430 elements that UNESCO recognizes as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
China: Twenty-Four Solar Terms, knowledge of time and practices developed in China through observation of the sun’s annual motion

The tradition of telling time through solar observation still informs many farmers and ethnic groups in China © China Agricultural Museum, 2014
如今,通过太阳观测报时的传统依然能告知中国农民和少数民族关于时间变化的知识 ©中国农业博物馆,2014年
The ancient Chinese tradition of telling time through the observation of the sun’s annual motion and changes of seasons, astronomy and other natural phenomena originated in the Yellow River reaches of China. The practice divided the sun’s annual circular motion into 24 segments, beginning in spring and ending with the Greater Cold. Its influence spread to the Gregorian calendar. Today it remains of particular importance to farmers for guiding their practices. Some rituals and festivities are associated with the terms, which have contributed to the community’s cultural identity. Knowledge of the element is transmitted through formal and informal means of education.
通过对公转、季节变化、天文和其他自然现象的观察来告知时间变化,是中国自古就有的传统,源于中国的黄河流域。 这项传统将地球公转的年度循环运动分为24个节气,从立春为始,以大寒结束。这项传统被标注在格里高利历法(现行公历)中。今天,这项惯例对于中国农民的日常生活仍具指导意义,当地许多节日庆典和这24个节气相关,成为了当地社区的文化认同。中国人通过观察太阳周年运动而形成的时间知识体系及其实践在正规与非正规教育中传承至今。
This brings the total number of traditional elements China has inscribed on the lists to 39.
Japan: Yama,Hoko, Yatai, float festivals in Japan

The Yama, Hoko, Yatai Float festivals happen annually in communities all around Japan. They are a purely communal endeavor at every step from the design and construction of the floats that reflect the diversity of local culture, to the accompanying music and overall event coordination. They involve residents from the city centre assembling the floats while those from surrounding areas are in charge of pulling the constructs and playing the music. The festivals symbolize Japanese custom of offering prayer to the gods for peace and protection from natural disasters.
每年,在日本各城市都会举办祭奠阎王、葆光和亚泰的花车庆典。 花车的浮雕的设计和建造、伴奏音乐,以及整个庆典的协调工作都反映出当地的独特文化,彰显出每一位社区成员的努力。位于市中心的居民负责组装花车,而来自周围地区的居民们负责拉动花车和音乐伴奏。节日象征着日本的习俗,祭奠和平之神并保护人们免受自然灾害。
This brings the total number of elements Japan has inscribed on the lists to 21.
Republic of Korea: Culture of Jeju Haenyeo (women divers)

On Jeju Island a community of women, some aged in their 80s, goes diving up to 10m under the sea to gather shellfish, such as abalone or sea urchins for a living, all without the help of oxygen masks. Jeju haenyeo (female divers) harvest for up to seven hours a day, 90 days of the year holding their breath for one minute every dive.
Before a dive, prayers are said to the Jamsugut, goddess of the sea, to ask for safety and an abundant catch. Knowledge is passed down to younger generations in families, schools, local fishery cooperatives which have the area’s fishing right. The culture of Jeju haenyeo has contributed to the advancement of women’s status in the community and promoted environmental sustainability with its eco-friendly methods and community involvement in management of fishing practices.
This brings the total number of elements the Republic of Korea has inscribed on the lists to 19.
文章来源:联合国教科文组织微信公众号 BEJ/CLT 2016-12-02 【本文责编:赵昱】